ICOM Iceland was founded in 1985 in order to foster and support museums within the country through a global professional network.
For the Benefit of Museums
and Society
The International Council of Museums, ICOM, is an international organisation of museums and museum professionals which is committed to the research, conservation, continuation and communication to society of the world’s natural and cultural heritage, present and future, tangible and intangible. ICOM is a membership association and a non-governmental organisation which establishes professional and ethical standards for museum activities. As a forum of experts, it makes recommendations on issues related to cultural heritage, promotes capacity building and advances knowledge.
ICOM Iceland was founded in 1985 in order to foster and support museums within the country through a global professional network. The National Committee serves as a channel for members of the Icelandic museum community to participate in international policymaking for museums, as well as translating and promoting The ICOM Code of Ethics to both Icelandic professionals and the public. The National Committee is represented by the Board at the Advisory Council and Annual Meetings of the International Council in Paris, as well as being involved in the Regional Alliances ICOM Nord and ICOM Europe.
ICOM Iceland collaborates with local associations and organisations in the interests of museums and museum professionals in Iceland. Sharing a common goal, such partnerships strengthen and improve professional and political relationships within the Icelandic cultural sector by maintaining high standards and effecting change.

The Icelandic Museum Association
The Icelandic Museum Association (FÍSOS) was founded in 1981 for the purpose of increasing professional collaboration between museums and museum professionals, exploring topics related to the field, building knowledge and bridges between communities, both locally and abroad.

The Museum Council of Iceland
The Museum Council of Iceland is an advisory board for the Icelandic Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs, working in accordance with the Icelandic Museum Act, overseeing and assessing proposals for the accreditation of museums and evaluating applications for grants from the Icelandic Museum Fund.

Blue Shield Iceland
The network of the Blue Shield works globally to protect cultural heritage in emergency situations, in accordance to international law, in particular, the 1954 Hague Convention on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two Protocols of 1954 and 1999, which are considered to be part of international humanitarian law.

Key Initiatives and Public Outreach
International Museum Day
Since 1977, the global museum community, spearheaded by ICOM, has celebrated the annual International Museum Day on May 18th, with a public programme of education and entertainment.
The Icelandic Museum Award
ICOM Iceland and The Icelandic Museum Association present the Icelandic Museum Award biennially to a museum for outstanding work in the field, projects or contributions that merit special recognition.